Mage Troops
Uniform Variants
Rating versus enemy troops:
Soldiers | |
Samurai | |
Monks | |
Beasts | |
Archers | |
Zombies | |
Cavalry | |
Harpies | |
Dragons | |
= Best = Good = Same = Bad = Very Bad
Crest needed to recruit: Magic Crest
Ruler(s) starting with these troops: Gongos, Reinhart, Teiris
Generals starting with these troops: Aisha, Alex, Bardal, Cinna, Enya, Farilis, Fern, Gaul (1), Ishtar, Katt, Kilrein, Kulien, Laine, Lyria, Mileen, Milishea, Myria, Nina, Phylla, Piper, Saharzad, Scythe (1), Sophie, Yuri, Yuug